SERVICESAt LWS, you may choose any one of the many quality topics listed on our home page and their links to more detailed information. Services are provided in a variety of settings that best suit your needs. Our workshops are time limited and curriculum driven, therefore you can request to join a workshop and you will be notified of the workshop schedule.
The mini workshops are a great way to get a taste of the full workshop. The mini workshops are very cost effective at $75 per hour and run between two to three hours.
The full workshops require full registration and you will have to complete a request form to learn the cost of the workshop that interests you.
One- on- One individual coaching is the most intensive way to make substantive changes in your performance and skill sets. You will learn quickly and be coached to reach your personal and professional goals. The one-on-one coaching model is driven by your personal needs for those who are seeking a private and confidential means to achieve personal goals.
Telephonic coaching is available to those who reside outside of our geographic area or must travel frequently on business. It is a cost effective way to achieve personal and professional goals for those who have limited time.
For the corporate setting, we have Lunch and Learn, corporate consulting and corporate trainings. Lunch and learns are like a mini-workshop.
Corporate consulting is similar to the customized approach of one-on-one coaching. The consultation is done to tailor fit our programs to your organization's or department's needs.
Corporate trainings provide the full workshop event on any topic listed on our home page.